“The things we believe about ourselves always prove to be true.”
That statement, from my program #DOTHEIMPOSSIBLE, can be hard to understand. After all, it would be very easy to debate the point. I guess that’s why I felt it was necessary to provide examples from my life after I made the statement.
For today’s #TouretteTalk I’ve decided to share a short video clip from my talk about why, and how, what we believe can define the way we see ourselves, the actions we take - virtually everything in our lives.
Pay particular attention to what I say I believed I could do, and what I believed I couldn’t do. And then note how those beliefs affected my decisions. Enjoy the video clip!
Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels.com.
So tell me, what beliefs do you have that are shaping the direction of your life?
Seriously, tell me below in the comment box. I want to hear what you have to say. I promise I will read and respond to your comments as soon as possible.
Growing up with Tourette Syndrome was hard - very hard, but I learned that it wasn’t impossible. If you (or someone you love) has Tourette Syndrome, or another challenge that feels “impossible” to live with, and you need a shot of inspiration - enjoy the first five chapters of my book absolutely free by providing your name and email below.
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- I Am
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- Motivation Monday
- motivation monday
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- own it
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- tour life
- tourette syndrome
- tourette talk
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- virtual magic show
- You Can Do the Impossible