I want to tackle three big questions today. All of them are centered around the word “why.” And although I have a lot to say about this subject, I’ll try to keep this article to the point.

  1. Why would a booking agent or entertainment director hire you?

  2. Why should you learn the skills to build relationships with booking agents and entertainment directors?

  3. Why am I sharing this valuable information?

1. So, WHY WOULD A BOOKING AGENT OR ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTOR HIRE YOU? While there could be multiple reasons why he or she might hire you, I can only identify one reason that almost guarantees you will get hired. It is because that agent or entertainment director firmly believes that you can entertain their audience.

That’s it. That’s the big secret. Find a way to communicate to me that you can entertain my audience and you’ll probably get hired.

Let’s think about it for a minute. A booking agent’s or an entertainment director’s job is to hire the best entertainers for their audiences. The agent has to have certainty that the act they are recommending or hiring will be well-received by a paying audience. It’s the agent’s reputation on the line every time they stand behind an act.

Agents make their living off their reputations. If a respected booking agent or entertainment director is willing to back an entertainer, it is expected that entertainer will be excellent.

The risk is too great for a booking agent or entertainment director to recommend an act that can’t live up to expectation. If the magician, juggler, band, or whomever, does a poor job, there is a very real possibility that the agent’s or entertainment director’s pocketbook will be affected.

And I’m here to tell you right now, when I book talent, I won’t take a chance on hiring anyone that I have any questions about. You must be good and I must be sure about it. Remember that.


Look, I don’t know your specific reasons why you became an entertainer.

What I do know is how much I love to make people laugh, smile, and have fun. I know how entertainment can help people forget about the worries of the day and feel connected to everyone around them. I know that I want to share my love of magic (insert your own form of entertainment here) with as many people as possible, as often as possible. And finally, I know that getting paid to entertain people validates all the hard work, effort, and sacrifice that I have made over the last two decades.

Look, I didn’t become a magician because I thought it would be a good business decision. I became a magician because I was deeply in love with magic. I quickly learned though, that I needed to learn how to connect with decision makers who could put me in front of more audiences than I could reach on my own.

The simple fact is…the more relationships that I have with booking agents and entertainment directors, the more opportunities I have to get paid to entertain audiences. The same will be true for you.

So…what are your reasons for entertaining people? If your answers are anything like mine, learning these skills should be of paramount importance to you.


If I’m being honest, I have to admit that I used to approach business from a scarcity mindset. Every time another magician got a booking that I had been considered for, I got mad. When I saw other entertainers who were having success, I used to wonder why they had gotten the good breaks while I was having such a hard time. I used to curse when I would reach out to someone about a gig and they wouldn’t return my calls or emails. I wasn’t in a healthy place.

At some point in my journey, I started to abandon this viewpoint and began looking at the world with an abundance mindset instead. I started to realize that there were plenty of opportunities available to me, not a limited number, like I’d thought before. I began being thankful for the success that I was having. I got happy when my friends got good bookings because I knew that their success was ultimately good for everyone else in my industry, me included. And I realized that some gigs weren’t a good fit for me and I shouldn’t be upset when those doors don’t open.

Another reason I am sharing this information is because over the past eight years I’ve worked with a very small group of entertainers helping them accomplish their dreams of becoming professional entertainers, too. It’s been incredibly fulfilling to help these entertainers live out their dreams. In some cases, I’ve been able to help them prove the naysayers wrong and do the things that other people told them they would never be able to do. This experience has made me realize that I enjoy helping other entertainers succeed.

And finally, I’ll share this with you. Zig Zigler once said, “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.“ I’ve found this to be true. What is fascinating is that you never know what doors will open up and what opportunities will be created when you help other people get what they want. There’s no doubt in my mind that by sharing this information with you, some really cool things are going to happen for both you and me, too. I can’t wait to see what those things are!

QUICK TIP - If you haven’t signed up for my free special report “Secrets of Booking Agents and Entertainment Directors Revealed!”, do so now! In it, I outline three key secrets (plus a bonus secret) that I haven’t shared anywhere else. Learn these secrets and you’ll be on your way to getting booked! See below.

EXTRA BONUS TIP - If you are ready to take the next steps in your career and start booking the best gigs out there because you are working with the best people out there, click here and learn more about Secrets of Booking Agents and Entertainment Directors - The Course.

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You’ll be surprised how easy it is to get hired once you know the inside secrets of Booking Agents & Entertainment Directors. For a free copy of the special report, fill out the form below with your name and email address.

*Please note, I will never SPAM you, nor will I ever share or sell your personal information.